Saturday, January 22, 2011

Philly Cheesesteaks + Running (w: 176.4)

So I could have posted this yesterday but I didn't.

And the reason is one of which I feel ashamed. You see how I type my weight in, right along with the title of each blog post? I thought it would be a good thing to do so some of you wouldn't have to muddle through 3 paragraphs of silliness to see my progress, but alas yesterday there was a snafu, a weight that I would not show you...could not show you: 178.4. I didn't want you to see that this week, food has been a struggle for me, that the night before I took that weight I ate my fourth meal of the day (a philly cheese steak) around 11:30 at night blowing out of the water my calorie goal. I didn't want you to see. me. fail. Weighing myself this morning after a revised day of eating yesterday made me realize that some of it was just...residual cheesesteak terribleness but importantly not all of it. I still have a net gain from last week and honey, that aint good. But the point of all this...all this blogging, and blog reading, and blog blog bloginess is (for me) honesty. To not skip over the bad stuff but to hold it up to you and say: look, look at this, I messed up, but I want to do better, I will do better.

Which leads me to the other thing I have been doing this week: running. A friend and I have been trying to complete a running program that is a walk to run for thirty minutes in 6 weeks type deal. I completed most of it before Christmas, and now we are on week 4. Man is it rough. I think that's why I may have been eating more, I feel like I need to compensate for working out "so much" (i.e. more than not at all). My friend with whom I run is skinny as a rail so she eats a lot to make up for the calorie burns it took an OH DUH moment for me to figure out I shouldn't be doing the same. Ha. I know. Smooth right?

I think I'll end this post with something we used to do on dorm in highschool, to get the younger girls to bond: high, low, laugh of the week. I'll show you mine, and you show me yours :)

High: Finishing my latest run and NOT feeling like I was about to pass out.
Low: Sitting in bed after that cheesesteak, feeling like a failure.
Laugh: Dancing to Usher's OMG in the gym with my best friend, only to find that we weren't (as we had thought) the only people in the weight room that morning!

Oh and as an aside, I think I might attempt a meat free week this week! (I was vegetarian for a while before, I want to see if it has any significant effect on my weight loss goals) Good luck cats and kittens!


Friday, January 14, 2011

7 Thangs on my Birthday (w:175.0)

Not much on the weight loss front as my birthday week (yes, week, don't you have one too?) is keeping me off my mark...but take a look at this other fun stuff (life sometimes needs "other fun stuff")

The sweet, wonderful, and gracious Elle at gave me this (curiously undeserved :) ) award. Seemingly the rules of receiving it are as follows:
  • Make a post about it and link back to the gracious giver
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass it on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered

So I will happily combine today's post into my "7" things about myself

1. Today is my birthday, and it was marvelous. Truly truly marvelous, I felt nothing but love and sweetness from friends and family all day and it was one of the happiest birthdays I've had. For the first time in a LONG time I feel loved.
2. I count calories. It's my meal plan. I don't talk about it too much here, as I use this place for more emotional venting than anything else. It's hard for me, but its the only way I can feel not deprived but still control myself, I'm not always perfect but I'm only learning and I'm okay with that.
3. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm only doing this to get a boyfriend. I don't think it is deep down, but when I get really frustrated or really disgusted with the way I look I feel like I need someone...and for most of my life that someone has always been a significant other in a serious relationship.
4. I am super possessive. Of people, things, food...thanks only child syndrome.
5. I still (even though I know I can't, even though I know it's really keeping me back in a dangerous way, and even though I know I'll be able to get ahead quicker stop) treat/think of food as a reward.
6. I write poetry that has been published.
7. I got straight A's my first semester of college, but didn't tell anyone except my roommate because I don't want people to think I'm nerdy.

15 is a lot, so here are a few that I especially like:
Debbie @
Rapunzel @
Kate @

Sunday, January 9, 2011

20 lost...50 or so to go...

crappy quality...but you get the idea.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Where did 20 lbs of me go? (w:174.4)

Good Morning,

Well today I weighed in to find the scale at 174.4...which means I have officially passed the 20 lbs lost mark. I'm happy, excited, thrilled, upset, confused, wary, and angry. What? Yeah. Of course its good to know that I am twenty pounds lighter than I was when I started this blog, last spring this weight would have sounded like...a miracle number, hence the happy/excited/thrilled. I feel like I am doing something right! On the other hand I am nervous that maybe some of the recent numbers going down have been loss of water weight or...scale confusion...or magic. Who knows? I've been counting my calories, and have been good for the most part, but 20 lbs down seems too good to be true, and in case you haven't been keeping up with me...a lot of that could have come from a bout of illness/medication hence the upset/confused/wary. Where does the angry fit in? That's easy! Time! I could have reached this goal months ago, had I really committed to buckling down, and eating and working out the way I should have been! It's when I get thoughts like that that I have to remind myself to slow down, that time isn't "running out", that I have as long as I need to make this work for me. Ah is nice when you kick in. The twenty pound lighter Bella doesn't seem that different to her family and friends it looks one has really commented on the loss, but then again it has happened so gradually that I'm sure it's been hard to notice...but it's just the little things, seeing an old picture where I know I'm thinner now, pulling up and buttoning pants that sort of fit that I can finally breathe in from two years ago. I'm getting there...slowly it seems but steadily none the less.

On the Military front I have some surprising news, most branches (except for it seems, the Army) will not let you serve if you have a tattoo on your neck (which I do, a very small symbol on the nape of my neck). That'll be something to think about...I made an appointment to have it looked at, to see about removal...NOT to get it removed just yet (I'm not that serious about any of this yet), but if the Military is really something I'm considering (maybe Marines, maybe a Dr. with the Army or Air Force...) than it might be worth the pain/trouble/cost of getting it done. Just something to consider!

Kisses and well wishes,

Edit: Look for update pictures soon! (soonish, I have to get back to school, get the same outfit, and find room time sans room mate (yeesh, you have no idea) to take the pic!)

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Options (w: 175.4)

I have a weird confession to make, I've been thinking a lot recently about joining the Marines.
I know, wtf right? Maybe it's just a phase, but recently I've not been able to get the idea out of my head. It seems so noble, so powerful, so...important. If you had asked me a month ago, hell even a week ago if I EVER thought I would consider a military life, my answer would be HELL NO. But the more I simmer with the idea the more it seems like a viable option...I would feel proud of myself and I would be doing something in which I could take pride. This is screwing with my head a little bit, I don't know if I should seriously talk to anyone about it yet because I don't know if its something I'm looking at with rose colored glasses. Women make up a small percentage of the marines (around 6 or 7%). They have been known to be treated harassed, mocked, and thought of as less then their male counter parts. I don't know if I could handle that...I'm sensitive. But is weakness a reason not to try?

My goal has then been new years resolutions are a little wacky...
the first is to get to a weight of 141, the highest acceptable amount for my height according to the chart that the Marines use. And then after that...look at training and get ready to maybe talk to a recruiter. This feels like a dream, I sort of can't even believe I'm suggesting this.

Happily though it adds a concreteness to my goals. Deadlines with real reasons. I want to lose the weight, so I will have the option...of (gosh) being a marine...