Friday, January 14, 2011

7 Thangs on my Birthday (w:175.0)

Not much on the weight loss front as my birthday week (yes, week, don't you have one too?) is keeping me off my mark...but take a look at this other fun stuff (life sometimes needs "other fun stuff")

The sweet, wonderful, and gracious Elle at gave me this (curiously undeserved :) ) award. Seemingly the rules of receiving it are as follows:
  • Make a post about it and link back to the gracious giver
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass it on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered

So I will happily combine today's post into my "7" things about myself

1. Today is my birthday, and it was marvelous. Truly truly marvelous, I felt nothing but love and sweetness from friends and family all day and it was one of the happiest birthdays I've had. For the first time in a LONG time I feel loved.
2. I count calories. It's my meal plan. I don't talk about it too much here, as I use this place for more emotional venting than anything else. It's hard for me, but its the only way I can feel not deprived but still control myself, I'm not always perfect but I'm only learning and I'm okay with that.
3. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm only doing this to get a boyfriend. I don't think it is deep down, but when I get really frustrated or really disgusted with the way I look I feel like I need someone...and for most of my life that someone has always been a significant other in a serious relationship.
4. I am super possessive. Of people, things, food...thanks only child syndrome.
5. I still (even though I know I can't, even though I know it's really keeping me back in a dangerous way, and even though I know I'll be able to get ahead quicker stop) treat/think of food as a reward.
6. I write poetry that has been published.
7. I got straight A's my first semester of college, but didn't tell anyone except my roommate because I don't want people to think I'm nerdy.

15 is a lot, so here are a few that I especially like:
Debbie @
Rapunzel @
Kate @


Elle said...

Happy belated birthday !! I'm glad you felt loved during that time and I hope it spreads on to the future. :)

Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said...

Hey! I was just coming to tell you that I gave you the "Stylish Blogger" award, and I see you gave it to me! How cool is that? :)