Saturday, January 22, 2011

Philly Cheesesteaks + Running (w: 176.4)

So I could have posted this yesterday but I didn't.

And the reason is one of which I feel ashamed. You see how I type my weight in, right along with the title of each blog post? I thought it would be a good thing to do so some of you wouldn't have to muddle through 3 paragraphs of silliness to see my progress, but alas yesterday there was a snafu, a weight that I would not show you...could not show you: 178.4. I didn't want you to see that this week, food has been a struggle for me, that the night before I took that weight I ate my fourth meal of the day (a philly cheese steak) around 11:30 at night blowing out of the water my calorie goal. I didn't want you to see. me. fail. Weighing myself this morning after a revised day of eating yesterday made me realize that some of it was just...residual cheesesteak terribleness but importantly not all of it. I still have a net gain from last week and honey, that aint good. But the point of all this...all this blogging, and blog reading, and blog blog bloginess is (for me) honesty. To not skip over the bad stuff but to hold it up to you and say: look, look at this, I messed up, but I want to do better, I will do better.

Which leads me to the other thing I have been doing this week: running. A friend and I have been trying to complete a running program that is a walk to run for thirty minutes in 6 weeks type deal. I completed most of it before Christmas, and now we are on week 4. Man is it rough. I think that's why I may have been eating more, I feel like I need to compensate for working out "so much" (i.e. more than not at all). My friend with whom I run is skinny as a rail so she eats a lot to make up for the calorie burns it took an OH DUH moment for me to figure out I shouldn't be doing the same. Ha. I know. Smooth right?

I think I'll end this post with something we used to do on dorm in highschool, to get the younger girls to bond: high, low, laugh of the week. I'll show you mine, and you show me yours :)

High: Finishing my latest run and NOT feeling like I was about to pass out.
Low: Sitting in bed after that cheesesteak, feeling like a failure.
Laugh: Dancing to Usher's OMG in the gym with my best friend, only to find that we weren't (as we had thought) the only people in the weight room that morning!

Oh and as an aside, I think I might attempt a meat free week this week! (I was vegetarian for a while before, I want to see if it has any significant effect on my weight loss goals) Good luck cats and kittens!


1 comment:

Lyn said...

Hey there,

You haven't blogged in awile! I hope you are doing okay.

Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your kind words on my blog. I do appreciate the support :)