Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going to bed hungry? (178.6)

Sorry for the melodramatic last post. I can get snotty if I'm in a bad mood. I've read some good blogs lately and am feeling better/have a renewed sense of faith in/about the blogging community.

So anyways,
A thing I've often heard about weight loss, is that if you go to bed hungry you're going to loose weight. Is that really the case? Since college/since the gaining of all this weight I have noticed that night times are times when I'm especially prone to eating. But it makes me feel gross, the food sits in my stomach like lead and I go to bed...unhappy with myself. I feel good when I can "beat it" (ie, when I go to bed instead of walking over to the campus Coffee Shop to get a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips).

The reason I'm posting this is last night I was SO hungry, I had to eat dinner early, because of a dentists appointment later that night. And then after I sat in the living room at 9:30 debating over what type of toppings to get on my LARGE Papa John's pizza. Yikes. Instead I had a piece of whole grain toast with some reduced sugar organic jelly, and a little cream cheese. It was a better choice, not the best, but better. However I woke up this morning to 178 (instead of my recent usual 177) and knew it must have been the toast before bed. It just...sits there. Yuck.

I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things this week, not full swing mind you, but maybe half swing. Not over night anyways, slower, something I can...tolerate and swallow right now.

Good luck to all!


RedHead said...

This will be a long comment so bare with me!!! First off, thanks for commenting on my blog so that I can start reading yours!! Looking forward to it! I started at the very beginning so we can become "penpals"!
Secondly, every single thing that you have said about how you feel, how you look, your sadness, your frustrations, your disappointments, etc......I have felt the exact same. Sometimes after 110 pounds of weight lost, I still feel it. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THAT. I hope that since you've been blogging, you can tell that by other people's posts as well. Anyone who has ever experienced weight issues knows exactly how you feel. So stick with us!! It's great support to have in your journey towards health and happiness!
Lastly, keep it up. Keep up the blogging. Keep up the exercising. Keep up the better food choices. If you keep pushing at it, your mind and body finally succumbs! Plus I'll be here supporting you! Congratulations on your weight loss!!! Can't wait to hear more about it!!! Happy New Years Bella!!

Elle said...

I don't believe the theory that if you go to bed hungry, you're going to lose weight. I've also heard that, when you go to bed hungry, you're not as hungry when you wake up the next day. Well, let me tell ya, doesn't matter what I had the day before, breakfast REMAINS on my schedule --- my belly ALWAYS asks for it and I always look forward to it, lol.

What I will advise, and what I've heard over and over, is that you should have a light supper at least 2 hrs before bed time. This will give your body time to process the food. The few times I've applied that theory, I can tell you that I felt lighter the next day.

I'm glad you've gained a different perspective on blogging :)
Gosh, I write a lot, eh ? Sorry, I try to stick to a line, I really do. Hahaha

w0rld4vamps said...

Thanks for following my blog. Honestly it's one day at a time and forcing yourself to stay on track no matter how shitty your day, week, month has been.

We can do it!
