Monday, December 27, 2010

What are we doing here?

Hey World,

It's been a while since my last post. I'm sure all of you were quivering in anticipation for the one that's coming now, the topic of which is: What are we doing here? By "here" of course I mean the internet, and by "we", I think right now I mean diet bloggers.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good blog, and some of the diet blogs I've read here (escapefromobesity and such) are among the most inspiring things I've ever read. But the rest of us (myself included)...what are we doing here? What does blogging add to our journeys? Surely, I'm not really helping anyone by blogging once every three months...surely my selfish inner rantings are not guiding the two maybe three of you who have ever read this towards any sort of insight into your own what exactly are we doing?

I think it has to boil down to something about us then. Something personal and possibly good happens when we air our dirty mental laundry out for everyone else to read. For example, right now I'm home, away from school. That's good because most if not all of my friends were getting on my nerves and I needed time away from them. It's also bad because it means I'm spending an almost excessive amount of time with my mother, which is dangerous for both her and me. Finally in terms weight loss, my progress is zero and I hover around 177.

I feel better having said that to you Internet. I do. I don't know why I do. Something optimistic in me is at work and when I put pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard) I feel maybe even just a little bit closer to getting it right, to maybe not f'ing up so much. But is that all just hope? I'm not sure. But if it that really that bad?

I'm not really sure if I'm trying to lose weight right now. I want to be thin still. I want to be healthy still. Hopefully I will post again with some notable weight loss and a renewed sense of something, of some sense of what we are doing here.

1 comment:

Elle said...

We all blog for different reasons. I'm one of those people who blog because they love to write and love to record things. I've had journals since middle school. I used to write novels for my friends to read. It all started when I was 8-9.

Like I've said in my blog, there's just something about writing that keeps me focused and put things together for me. If it wasn't a blog, it would've been pen and paper. Either way, I write, write, write. lol

Whatever reason you have for writing, do it for you and you'll enjoy it. Blog for whatever reason, who cares ? Write what you want and what helps YOU. If you feel that putting something on paper makes you feel closer to getting it right, then put it on paper ! lol

Good luck with everything.