Thursday, December 30, 2010

Counting Ze Calories! (w:177.0)

So miraculously after last night I woke up to a weight of 177.0. Why is that miraculous? Well if you considered what I had to eat that day...suffice it to say my evening culminated in an unreasonable amount of crazy delicious slow roasted pork shoulder, with the fat (chicharron to all those in the know :) ) sandwiched on a piece pieces of potato bread. mmm.

So clearly I expected to wake up to 178 at least.

However I woke up to 177! Fluke of flukes! I decided today to start counting my calories again. It's a pain, and I've never been able to do it for long but I've heard others do it with a fair bit of success. I've forgotten how much I'm used to eating in a day...I had hoped to end the day somewhere around 1,200. Well, with the left over pork we made cuban sandwiches...and we went out to coffee (where I got a calorie dense chai tea latte) so I ended the day somewhere around 1509. Within a 1,200 to 1,550 range. I think that spread is a little high though, and I don't like the idea of being around 1,500 so I'll try to stay around 1,200. Hrmph.

Why is it that when I commit to start doing something like this again all of a sudden there is nothing I want more than a whole stuffed crust cheese pizza?! :)


1 comment:

Thora said...

I have -0- patience for measuring and counting calories. Good for you. I haven't been 177 since high school.