Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Letter to My Fat

Dear Fat,
What are you doing attached to my hips? Arms? Stomach? And don't even get me started on those thighs. You've been around my whole life, and for what? To make me the chunky girl at pool parties? The girl with all the (probably gay) guy friends who love me for "who I am on the inside"? The girl with the ever changing wardrobe because nothing fits? The girl without skinny jeans??
I know I have made you. I know my years of couch sitting, rice eating, cheesecake scarfing idleness has made my body seem like a hospitable environment for you. But guess what? I'm eating salads now bitch, and light mayo, and yummy fresh fruit. Oh and that couch? Yeah we hang sometimes but I like to take my dog on long walks now, and dance. So about you sticking around...yeesh this is can't.
I know this might sound rude to say, but I will not miss you. You have done nothing for me but make me a stereotype in my fat family, and have left me in shorts thats make me chafe in the summer and coats that wont close in the winter. So who am I kidding? Who is this Mrs.-nice-gal? I officially declare war on you, and you better run baby, because there ain't nothing I'd like more than to see you vanish right offa me.


191.3 today, so you know...SUCK IT.

1 comment:

Dinahsoar said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't have the corner on weight loss, but I do have a lot of experience with what doesn't work. Have you read the book Intuitive Eating? It is good for insight. It helped me make peace with food, like I had as a child. The other thing I know is your weight loss plan must be easy to do, must fit with the way you really live. In my house we have pizza every Wednesday,so that has to work with my plan. It has taken me years to figure out some of these things. But it can be done. You can do it too. Good luck.