Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So I've decided to weigh myself daily a la escapefromobesity. I know I know. This is a bad idea, weight fluctuates on a daily basis, weight that I might seemingly gain or loose may just be water, but whatever. We'll see, if I don't like it I'll stop doing it that way. Either way, I'm down, (either H20 wise or whatever) from yesterday's 195.5 to 193.4. Yesterday I think I ate well, a serving of cereal in the morning, salmon and salad for lunch, and scallops for dinner. I made both fresh squash and fresh asparagus with dinner, and both were very good. I also excersized yesterday doing an at home dance video. It was annoying in that some of the moves were hard to follow, but besides that, not that bad.
So since I don't (yet?) have a job, I'm trying to get into the habit of making myself busy at home. Last summer mostly consisted of me waking up around 5 lying in bed, and then sitting...almost catatonically on the bed waiting for food. I was dead inside, after a really bad break up. Literally dead. It took me a year, and I don't know that I'm totally over it but it took me a year to be able to start being myself again. So this summer I am feeling better (and knowing I'll never have to see that person again), and looking to spend my days more productively. I just baked off some zucchini bread, and only had one slice, but man is it good. I'm doing laundry, I might make some kale chips later, and I have boxes to unpack.
That started to make me think of other habits I've had, big and small, food related and not related. Like whenever I sit down, I scratch my legs, like hard. And now that I've started to grow out my nails (by stopping a different habit) it hurts little more. Or with food, I often forget to put things in bowls, or on plates. I'll eat standing up in the kitchen, or take a handful of something and....go back for a few more handfuls. I just watched an interesting TV show on food addiction. I don't know if thats me, but it seems like most anyone over weight must have some tiny addiction to food. When eating became a mindless habit that made me feel better, I knew something was seriously wrong. I hope during this journey I can begin to reassess my food habits and cultivate new ones that will keep me healthy and strong.
What are your habits? Do you have any good habits you can think of? Any new habits you want to instill?


Misunderstood and Admired ??? said...

Thanks for posting a comment on my blog. I hope that my story can be inspirational. There are many things going on in my life most of which are deterrents to losing weight so my journey will be difficult. I will stay tuned with your progress as well... remember - you only fail if you accept a battle lost as the war being over...

Miss E said...

I have yet to read your previous posts, but I just wanted to congratulate you for being conscious that you need to make changes in your life and to 'fight for the body that you've always wanted', especially that you're still young.
Just stick with and the results will follow. All the best.

Michele said...

Bella, just found your blog and am so glad I did! BIG kudos to you for your efforts, you can do this! xoxoxo