Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back in Business

Alas I am back after a momentary pause, you see I was graduating from high school and by golly I can't really tell you how glad I am that's ll over. I drove off that campus without so much as a good bye to most of my friends, because to tell you what, I won't be damned if that place hasn't been the cause for most if not all of my depressive episodes. Either way I am home and willing to write with gusto again.
So along with my return home I had new friend come, and extra pound, as I am now 195.5. Yikes. I could freak out, and eat...you know... everything, and the idea of being almost 200 lbs does...well yes...it does make me panic a little, it does make my skin crawl, and make me want to look into lipo procedures. But I'm calming down as I write this. It's humbling to think that my dreaded 195.5 is a goal weight for some, and that in some regards I am lucky. I am also using a new scale from the last time I measured, but I will be using this one from now on so NO excuses.
So when I came home there was some company from my mothers side of the family visiting. I love my family dearly. Very dearly, especially those who came to visit but we are all admittedly very different. I am quiet, and polite, and often very careful not to step on any body's toes, our visitors however can be the opposite, loud, rambunctious and often quite rude. But it's cute and I love them for it. I come from an admittedly fat family, and the two that were visiting this weekend have both had gastric bypass, but have put a significant of weight back on and both are claiming they are trying to loose weight, by going on Jenny Craig. I think this is a bad idea for several reasons, one plainly being that cooked food tastes good. Monumentally better than most of that frozen stuff anyways. Anyways, I say claim because you all should have SEEN how they ate when they were here. Before my awards night dinner, that's right BEFORE a dinner, they stopped at a taco bell. After wards at the reception they loaded their plates with cheese, and at dinner, it was all mashed potatoes and brownies. I on the other hand had salad and asparagus and a little bit of pasta. The next day, it was more of the same, tons of cookies, then at a restaurant several friend appetizers, full calorie sodas, and bread basket after bread basket. I had a half a piece of a huge salmon fillet and some asparagus and mashed potatoes. The next day was just as bad. My fault is the sweet tooth, I can go without fried zucchini but place a cheese cake in front of me and I'll INHALE it. Which I did with them (hello extra pound?). It reminded me how our family got this way, and how people put on weight without even realizing it. Over eating is scary, and I wish I could have, without hurting their feelings, shown them that, but it wasn't my place.
Anyways, yikes, that was a scary look into the possible future if I don't kick my ass into gear. So, goal time.

Week: (Tuesday to Tuesday)
  1. Caloric intake for the week betwixt: 8,400-9,800
  2. Visit the farmer's market in Dover
  3. Make at least 1 vegetable with every dinner
Month: (June)
  1. Loose 4 lbs
  2. Exercise 12 days
  3. Keep weekly records on Sparkpeople
What's your family like? And what are your new goals?

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