Sunday, June 20, 2010


About that last post guys! I was stressing out a little but alas it was a little warranted. I've gone a lot off plan recently dealing with some weird stuff at home. I started counting my calories again today and although I'm woefully over (thanks to some REALLY good homemade scones) its good to know I'm holding myself up to my old standards again. Falling off a wagon is a troubling thing. I know its not reason to stop trying though. And that means I'm learning right? It's a journey WITHOUT a set end date, something I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life, because food for me, in a very real way, is an addiction. I hope all of you are doing well, and thanks to all this drama being resolved , I shall hopefully be posting more and eating better.


1 comment:

Misunderstood and Admired ??? said...

Sometimes we need more than the help we can give ourselves. I have talked to counselors from time to time - maybe think about that as well. I know all too well about addiction and its not easy going on that journey on personal strength alone. Stay strong.